Crimes of Fire is a legal thriller centering on the unusual murder of Katharine Pirelli by her conniving husband Tony and her troubled son Steven, both members of a New York organized crime family. When Tony inherits a windfall, his wife's sister, Deirdre (Dede) Livingston becomes suspicious. Dede immediately notifies Monica Hayes, a rookie Assistant United States Attorney, about the alleged crime. Although speculative at first, Monica and her colleague, Jeff Holloway, commence an investigation and they discover a pattern of incriminating activity involving the Pirelli family. Through the process, Monica and Jeff also discover each other.

This international tale of murder, betrayal and suspense continues on the Greek islands of Mykonos and Santorini, on Italy's sparkling Amalfi Coast, and eventually, in the courtroom, but only in the book's shocking final chapters do we learn all the answers to Crimes of Fire.

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